
Get a Bigger Butt by Wearing Natural Feeling Padded Panties

It is rare to find a woman that is absolutely, 100% satisfied with her corporal appearance. She may not have major body issues, but we all dream of manufacture even the slightest changes here and there. Now when it comes to changes to our rears, you will typically find two types of women; those who want a smaller butt and those who want a bigger butt.

In a world where many women are starving themselves to Lose weight, it comes as a surprise to find so many women who essentially want to gain weight. Gaining weight would seem to be an easier feat than losing weight, right? Well it isn't. Most women who want to gain, only want the weight/fat in safe bet parts of their bodies, namely their butts hips and thighs.


Shapely hips and butts are a sign of femininity, fertility and are determined an moving trait overall. For women who are less endowed, getting the shape, bigger butt and more womanly hips can be highly challenging.

Padded underwear aren't a new thing. I recall my older relatives admitting that they wore hip and butt pads in their youth, and that would have been during the late 60s straight through the 70s. Padded panties have nothing else but come along way since then. Early version of butt improving panties were mostly constructed of foam. They were both unnatural finding and unnatural feeling. As times have changed, there has been many advancements in padded underwear "technology" as well.

I recently purchased padded panties for my sister as a birthday gift. I bought them from an online enterprise called Love My Bubbles. My sister has a very small butt, and as a woman of color - foreseen, to have a larger real, this has all the time been a source of pain for her.

To say that I was impressed with the potential of the Love My Bubbles goods would be an understatement. She has used foam padded panties in the past. While foam panties did make her butt look fuller, she was very self-conscious about how it felt to the touch. Love My Bubbles offers a silicone pad insert. I tell you, this was the most natural feeling fake butt that I have ever come across! It felt natural, looked natural and more importantly - it made her feel great as well.

It is Ok to use padded panties to enhance or give the illusion of a bigger butt. It is a confidence booster and will help you look even best in your clothes. My personal recommendation is to upgrade to the silicone padded undies. They are surprisingly affordable and last a lot longer than foam.

Get a Bigger Butt by Wearing Natural Feeling Padded Panties


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